About the Group of companies

ZiO Group of сompanies (the parent company is JSC Machine-Building Factory of Podolsk) is a vertically integrated group of power engineering enterprises, which includes design, engineering, production, installation and service assets.

We carry out a full cycle of works from a feasibility study, engineering, production to the construction of turnkey facilities, including commissioning and maintenance.

Enterprises of ZiO Group:
JSC Machine-Building Factory of Podolsk (JSC ZiO)

the parent company of ZiO Group of сompanies,carries out integrated project management, development of design documentation,installation and commissioning supervision.

Milestones in history



On May 2, steam locomotives Shch-61 and Shch-2159 were delivered to the workshop of Podolsk Locomotive Repair Plant for repairs. This date is the official birthday of the enterprise.


The plant was transferred to the jurisdiction of Glavmashprom of the USSR, its name was

transformed into "CEB" - Cracking - Electric Locomotive Building Plant.


For high contribution to the development of mechanical engineering and strengthening the

country's defense capability, the plant was named after the People's Commissar of Heavy Industry of the USSR Ordzhonikidze.


By the Decree of the State Defense Committee of

the USSR of December 25 on the basis of the machine-building plant named after

Ordzhonikidze, the plant No. 125 of the People's Commissariat of the Aviation Industry was formed.The enterprise produced grenade bodies, anti-tank gouges, repaired tanks and guns, equipped IL-2 combat aircraft with armor protection and fuselage shells, produced tank armor hulls, and the Podolsky Rabochiy armored train.


On December 21, by the Decree of the Council of

People's Commissars of the USSR, the former name of the plant was restored - "Machine-Building Factory of Podolsk named after Ordzhonikidze" and the enterprise returned to the production of necessary products to restore the country's economy: oil distillation equipment, boilers, boiler and auxiliary equipment for the energy industry. 


The plant manufactured the first domestic waste

heat boiler designed to operate downstream of a gas turbine as part of a power unit with a steam-gas cycle.


Machine-Building Factory of Podolsk was one of the first boiler-building plants to carry out a complete supply of “boiler island” equipment with a full cycle of work from preliminary feasibility study, design development to manufacturing, delivery, installation and commissioning of equipment.


As part of the import substitution program, ZiO becomes a supplier of Russian-made dry fan coolers for power generation facilities constructed on a turnkey basis.


The mobile steam generator unit launched into serial production for steam-cycling treatment of several wells of super-viscous oil for enhanced oil recovery received a diploma of the III degree in the nomination "enhanced oil recovery" within the

framework of Tatarstan petrochemical forum. The innovative unit was developed by ZiO as part of import substitution program and has no Russian analogues.


Machine-Building Factory of Podolsk acquired new competencies for the repair of foreign-made furnace equipment for chemical and petrochemical industries. The enterprise has

implemented a major project for development of design documentation and overhaul of the primary methane conversion furnace of ammonia unit of Chemico company on a turnkey basis.

Currently, the factory is implementing a number of large projects within the framework of the government programs for modernization of power capacities: supply of high-capacity steam boilers for Krasnodar CHPP, supply of boilers with supervision of installation and commissioning of equipment for Partizanskaya GRES, Vladivostok CHPP -2, Yakutskaya GRES- 2, Khabarovsk CHPP-4 and Krasnoyarskaya CHPP-1.

ZiO also supplies equipment under export contracts to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Engineering centers:
Barnaul separate subdivision of JSC Machine- Building Factory of Podolsk -

Design, development of design and detailed design documentation.

Design subdivision of ZiO-Energy LLC
Design of combustion systems, adjustment of boiler equipment, engineering researches.

Production sites:
JSC Kashira plant of metal structures and boiler
building -

production of boiler equipment and
metal structures

Krasnoyarsk Boiler Equipment Plant LLC -
production of boiler equipment.
Trading and procurement company:
LLC TD "ZiO-Energotekhprom" -
supply of specialized metal products and products for power engineering equipment, has its own specialized warehouse of boiler tubes in Moscow region.